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BYD, Wayne Engineering Refuse Truck Demonstrates Zero-Emission Capability – NGT News

BYD says it has completed a battery-electric refuse truck demonstration project with the LA Sanitation (LASAN) and Wayne Engineering.

As reported, this demonstration logged more than 5,200 miles and drove up to 108 miles per day, with an average range of 99 miles, proving that zero-emission refuse vehicles are a viable technology for municipal waste haulers.

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ROUSH CleanTech Announces CARB-, EPA-Approved Low NOx Autogas Engine – NGT News

ROUSH CleanTech says it has developed a new propane autogas engine available in Class 4-7 vehicles and Blue Bird Type C buses that is certified to the optional low nitrogen oxide (NOx) level of 0.05 g/bhp-hr.

According to the company, these new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)- and California Air Resources Board (CARB)-certified propane engines are 75% cleaner than the current emissions standard.

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Hydrogen fuel cells are making a come back in the renewable energy field. And in Hawaii, we’ll soon see hydrogen fuel cells in cars, fleets and microgrids.

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